Clinical Correlations – Final Reflection

When reflecting on Clinical Correlations from start to finish, I can see there has been a change in how I think. In the beginning, I remember feeling a sense of being lost. It was challenging to me since I was unsure what should be done in the presented cases, and my thought process was lacking organization. However, as the sessions went on, I started to get a grasp on how providers should think when evaluating their patients, what should be focused on, as well as what are red flags that require immediate action. I believe that I learned how to better obtain a patient history, as well as focus on what will be pertinent in treating the patients.

I feel that as a whole, my Clinical Correlations group has gotten stronger in our interview skills and formation of differentials. I think our approaches vary sometimes, but it seems like that is the reality in medicine, where different clinicians will have their own thought processes and preferences in workflow. There are group members who have natural authority and confidence when they speak; which is something I would like to work towards.

In the clinical year, I will need to continue developing my interview skills and organization of thoughts. It will be another challenge since I will have to apply my knowledge from didactic year, and use it to treat real patients! Additionally, there will be the variables of establishing rapport with patients, working with new people, and dealing with real-life timing and medical events.

For the future Clinical Correlations groups, I think its helpful for them to continue getting the at-home assignments. The prompts required us to utilize different resources, and expand our medical curiosity and knowledge. I also liked when the professors would ask us questions regarding treatment plan, and go around the room so everyone contributes to the conversation. Another “pro” was when our professors would share their personal experiences in medicine. These antidotes helped bring real-life medicine into the classroom. As for the future groups, I would like to encourage them to try to get the most out of this class. We are given a unique opportunity to learn from different clinicians, who each have their own experiences, stories, strengths, and practice!

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