Rotation 8 – Site Visit Summary

For my Pediatric site evaluations, I presented an H&P in each. The first meeting I talked about a patient who came into the Pediatric ED due to low Hemoglobin-Hematocrit readings on blood work performed at their PCP office. The patient never had a history of anemia, but described her recent menses that lasted for 1.5 months. She was also symptomatic, complaining of an episode of syncope, as well as palpitations, SOB, and dizziness. In the second meeting, I presented on a patient I saw in the Pediatric Neurology clinic, who came in complaining of 5 months of headaches after being weaned from his anti-seizure medication Depakote. I found the case interesting, since the patient was describing tension headaches like the textbook. The neurologist explained that the headaches are likely not to be due to stopping the medication, but because of online classes due to COVID and the patient’s lifestyle (ie: poor meal/water intake, excessive screen time, and taking naps during the day). In the meetings, I also presented journal articles. The first one investigated the relationship between iron deficiency anemia and febrile seizures; while the second one investigated for a relationship between migraines and ADHD patients. Pharmacology cards were also presented in both meetings, where my classmate and I took turns quizzing each other on our medications. I found this method to be different from my other site evaluations, and found it helpful to learning.

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