For my surgery site evaluations, I decided to prepare SOAP notes. This choice made the most sense, since everyday’s patient contact mostly consisted of the time spent during the morning rounds. Writing these notes were indeed quicker than the usual H&P’s I would prepare for my other rotations, but it was initially challenging since I needed to revisit how to write them. In the first evaluation, we reviewed my 4 SOAP notes together. I learned that a lot of the notes I put together were excessive, compared to how short and to-the-point they were allowed to be. The main parts of the note to mention were if the patient had any complaints, vital signs, focused physical examination, how clean the wound/incision sites were, any relevant I&Os, pain control, and the plan. The patients I presented on were POD#1 s/p Laparoscopic converted to open cholecystectomy, and Cholecystostomy tube removal, POD#2 s/p Laparoscopic appendectomy, POD#5 s/p Exploration Laparotomy, Enterotomy Evacuation of Phytobezoar, and an evaluation for Appendicitis.
For the second site evaluation, I had prepared an additional 4 SOAP notes, as well as 10 pharmacology cards, and 1 journal article. This time I received better feedback on my SOAP notes, as I knew better as to what were pertinent versus excessive details. I presented on POD#8 s/p Debridement of perineum (Left groin Fournier gangrene), POD#5 s/p Exploration Laparotomy with Resection Hemicolectomy and Primary Anastomosis, with Liver Biopsy, a patient Hospital Day #2 admitted for RLQ Abdominal Pain (resolved SBO), and a patient s/p Amputation of 4th Toe of Right Foot (6 days ago), I&D of Right Foot Abscess (5 days ago), Debridement of Lower Extremity (4 days ago), and Debridement of Lower Extremity (3 days ago). These were big cases that I found interesting in the latter half of my rotation. For the journal article, it was a Systematic review and Meta-analysis that compared the outcomes between laparoscopic versus open appendectomies. Its conclusion showed a larger benefit in laparoscopic surgery, with the only con of a higher incidence of intra-abdominal abscesses.